Joint meeting of Health Department, WHO, UNICEF and Chai concluded regarding routine vaccination

Joint meeting of Health Department, WHO, UNICEF and Chai concluded regarding routine vaccination

 Lakhimpur Kheer.  A meeting under the joint aegis of WHO UNICEF and Chai regarding routine vaccination was held in the CMO office auditorium under the chairmanship of Dr. Anil Kumar Gupta, ACMO.  During this, Deputy CMO Dr. Dhaniram Bhargava and Deputy CMO Dr. Lalji Pasi were mainly present.

 ACMO Dr. Anil Kumar Gupta told that some points have been given by WHO SMO Dr. Vikas Singh to improve routine vaccination, in which all the sub-centres under Community Health Centers have been divided into three different parts.  Including MIS portal updation, monitoring data, surveillance data.  It is divided into three categories in which there are high, medium, and low categories.  In the first phase, it will be identified through Super Vision Due List, update on MIS Portal within 2 months.
 UNICEF District Coordinator Mukesh Chauhan told that during this time such people will also be identified who are refusing to get regular immunization of children.  Such people will be identified and explained to them and the vaccination will be completed.  It was told by Chai District Program Coordinator Shailendra Tiwari that in this meeting, Chai was informed about the shortcomings through HMIS tool.  During this discussion on entry, discussion on vaccine and fielding of vaccinations available but not applicable on the portal, data vaccination were discussed.  Along with this, a meeting under the chairmanship of block wise CHC superintendent was told to review the complete vaccination dropout i.e. the data and data validation of the missed children.  So that 100% vaccination can be done.  The superintendents of all community health centers, BPM and BCPM participated in this meeting.
