Thursday is the leap day of the leap year

Thursday is the leap day of the leap year

Is every year divisible by four in a leap year?
Dev nandan srivastava 
Lakhimpur Kheri. Thursday date, February 29, has come after four years of waiting. The last special day of February this year is Superday. Because of this date, the year 2024 is called a leap year.The total number of days in a normal year is 365. However, in a leap year in February, this number of days becomes 366 days with one addition. Any year that is normally divisible by four is called a leap year. This year 2024 is also exactly divisible by four, so this year is a leap year. The following years 2028, 2032, 2036, 2040 etc. are also leap years. However, not all leap years on February 29 require division by four. A hundred years, such as 2100, 2200, and 2300, etc. there are no leap years, although all are divisible by four. But the centennial year 2400 is a leap year. If the last two zeros of the year, ie the 100th anniversary, are divided by 400, only this year is a leap year. Atul Saxena, Mathematics Teacher, Lucknow Public School spoke with such informative and interesting information that Super Day plays an important role in adjusting and coordinating the time difference between regular calendar years and tropical years. It takes the Earth 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds to make one complete revolution around the Sun, or approximately 365.2422 days. This difference from a normal year results in an average increase of one day every four years. This leap day of February 29th every four years balances that out.This calculation adds an average of 0.0078 days per year. This short time in 400 years is equal to three days. Given the difference of the three extended extra days, each four hundred year counts as a leap year instead of three consecutive hundred years.
